
IoT Billing & Subscriptions for Usage-Based Monetization

Establish and manage subscription offers and pricing tiers, user billing and cellular plan management, as well as notification and taxes.

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An IoT Billing Engine to Power Recurring Revenue

Zipit's IoT billing solution is flexible, scalable and customizable to precisely match the needs of your business. Based on a decade of experience in the IoT industry, we've built our billing platform to be powerful yet easy-to-use.

End User Billing Portal
Intuitive for Customers

Customizable user interfaces are similar to an e-commerce storefront, where your customers can easily activate devices, subscribe to, and manage cellular data plans.

Built-In Security Features

The Zipit platform was built for PCI compliance and subscriber platform security. It supports multiple levels of administrators. Set account administrators with appropriate roles and access to the platform.

Turnkey Solution

With Zipit's IoT platform, you can manage everything from subscription enablement and management to taxes to PCI compliance. Easily integrate with other business systems using APIs.

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Create Bundled IoT Services Based on Your Billing Models

Because Zipit's platform is so flexible, you can create multifaceted bundled services. Offer your customers customized pricing models.

IoT Billing Models

Offer an Exceptional Customer Experience

With an intuitive interface and built-in customer service features like auto-notification and simple refunds, the Zipit platform lets you take customer satisfaction to the next-level.

Subscription Notifications

Customize the Portal to Your Verticals

The platform is fully customizable, allowing you to speak to your vertical markets more precisely and help them feel that your offerings are tailored to their needs and process requirements.

Customized Payment Portals

IoT Billing and Subscriptions Solution Benefits

Intuitive Customer Portal

Customers will find the customized payment portals easy to use, reducing time spent on customer service. Supports credit card and invoice-based billing.

Notifications to End Users

Notifications prompt customers to pay at the end of the billing period and to purchase additional data when they're nearing their limit.

Flexible Integrations

Easily integrate with your business systems, including ERP and CRM. APIs enable single sign-on for optimal efficiency.

Robust Cellular Plan Management

Assign billing plans based on a specific carrier, track data usage, manage billing cycles and handle data top-offs.

Simple Tax Management

Ensure you're on top of all applicable taxes, including digital services taxes and internet services taxes.

Customer Service Functions

Easily correct billing issues and offer refunds and complimentary services such as gifted subscriptions and discounts.

Enabling IoT Connectivity on a Global Scale

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