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Future of Connectivity

Essay Scholarship

by Zipit Wireless


A $2,500 essay scholarship for students driven to think beyond tomorrow.

Zipit Wireless ("Zipit") looks forward to awarding a $2,500 scholarship to a college undergraduate or graduate student who sees the world for what it can be and envisions how the future of connectivity can make that world a reality. Zipit delivers cloud-based software and cellular services for Internet of Things (IoT) products, enabling the solutions and business models of tomorrow.

Explain in a 1,000-word essay how you envision Internet-enabled devices and increased connectivity impacting people's lives or changing industries.

Impact of Connectivity-1


Essay Prompt: You're living in the year 2035, how have Internet-enabled devices impacted your life or the world around you?

  • How are you or humanity more broadly using these "smart" connected devices and IoT connectivity to overcome challenges and solve problems in the world?

  • What are some concerns people have as everything and everyone becomes more connected, and how might individuals, companies, communities or a combination of the three be addressing them?

You are welcome to use the following questions to spark your creativity, but you aren't required to answer them.

  1. The combination of IoT sensors, software platforms, wireless networks and cloud computing is enabling new solutions and even entire industries that were not possible just 10 to 15 years ago. Farmers now remotely monitor the tractors in their fields while patients can consult doctors from miles away and owners of electric vehicles (EVs) can summon their cars to them using an app. If you were creating and IoT device, what would it do and why?

  2. The increased efficiency, automated and faster processes and greater convenience IoT brings, gives us more time at our disposal. How has IoT influenced the way humanity views and manages time in the year 2035? How has our perception of convenience changed in the last 50 years, and how might this continue to change in the future? How might we spend our time differently in the year 2035?

  3. In 2022, wireless 5G technology started rolling out around the world. The technology has a higher transmission speed and lower latency, meaning devices can transmit more data in less time than ever before. Bandwidth intensive applications like augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and artificial intelligence (AI) would benefit from this. What kinds of real world applications or use cases for 5G could we see in 2035 that don't exist today?

  4. Through the use of many different kinds of IoT sensors like LiDAR, driverless cars or other autonomous vehicles can often "see" and react to road obstacles faster than a human can. This has the potential to improve safety and reduce the number of accidents, but the upfront cost of these technologies can sometimes create a barrier to wide adoption. How can companies and communities find solutions that allow everyone equal access to this potentially lifesaving technology?

Interested in learning what companies are doing today with IoT technology? Visit our Customer Stories page.  

About Zipit Wireless

We're an innovative team dedicated to delivering reliable, cutting-edge products that help customers transform their businesses and improve our world. Our boundless curiosity pushes us to always search for new ways to solve business challenges and to not accept the status quo.

This scholarship gives us an opportunity to contribute toward the next generation of forward-thinkers and problem solvers. We want to assist young business and tech enthusiasts who aspire to join us in creating a smarter, safer, more connected world - one "thing" at a time.

Eligibility & Requirements

If you are a computer science, cybersecurity, data analytics, IT Management, network systems administration, software application development, business administration or marketing student, then this scholarship is for you!

The application is open to both undergraduate and graduate students. We will only be considering submissions from U.S. based students attending a college or university in the U.S. 

Please specify your intended field of study and your current degree level within your application. We also request either proof of college acceptance or a high school transcript at the time of submission.

We would be interested to know your future goals and why you believe you deserve this scholarship, so we ask that you also provide a brief biography of no more than 250 words with your application. Note: We will not assess this bio in our submission evaluation, but it will help us better understand your goals. 

Your submission will not be considered if it does not include:

  • A short bio with your intended field of study and education level
  • Proof of education
  • Proof of enrollment in a U.S. university or college
  • A 1,000-word essay


Your essay will be evaluated by these four criteria:

  1. Originality - overall uniqueness
  2. Creativity - a blend of imagination and great ideas
  3. Quality - clear, engaging and thought-provoking communication
  4. Competency - a clear understanding of IoT/connected devices and connectivity

Only submit your own work. Plagiarism is the opposite of innovation, and stolen work will be eliminated. This is a creative, not an academic essay, so you're not required to include sources. However, if you do reference the work of another individual, please use a citation.

Scholarship Guidelines Regarding the Use of AI

AI-powered tools can be valuable for research and outlining your scholarship submission. However, to ensure fairness and showcase your own voice, AI should not be used as the primary author of your work.

  • Transparency:  If you use AI tools, please cite the specific tools used within your submission. Clearly indicate the sections where AI was used to assist you (e.g., generating ideas, outlining, etc.).
  • Fact-checking:  AI may provide inaccurate or outdated information. It is your responsibility to carefully fact-check any information, including statistics,  sourced from AI tools.
  • Originality and Creativity: Submissions that appear to be primarily or completely written by AI will be disqualified. We value your unique perspective, insights, and writing style.

Application Details

  • Email your application to scholarship[at]

  • Use [your essay title - Future of Connectivity Scholarship] for the email subject line.

  • Include your full name, mailing address, phone number and short bio within the email.

  • Do include your full name within the email but do not include it within the essay or in the file name to ensure an unbiased evaluation.

  • Include the total word count at the bottom of your essay.

Submission Deadlines

November 25, 2024: Submissions due by 11:59 p.m. EST
December 16, 2024: Winner Selected

The scholarship winner will be notified by December 18th, 2024, via email and will be featured on our Scholarship page. Before receiving funds, the winner will be required to provide proof of acceptance to a U.S. college or university. All scholarship funds will be sent directly to the winner's school.

Contact us if you have any questions about this scholarship or be sure to check out our About page if you'd like to learn more about Zipit Wireless.

Good Luck!